Studia et Documenta, vol. 6 – 2012
Publication: March 2012
Pages: 520
Presentación, María Eugenia Ossandón (pp. 9-12) | Foreword.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.01]
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San Josemaría y José María Albareda (1935-1939), Pablo Pérez López (pp. 13-66). | St. Josemaría and José María Albareda (1935-1939).
The article begins with a brief biographical profile of José María Albareda. It describes his studies and professional activity and gives an account of the circumstances surrounding his first meeting with St. Josemaría and his becoming a member of Opus Dei. Then the time they spent together from the moment of their escape from Madrid in 1937 is dealt with as well as the echo of the teachings of Josemaría Escrivá, which may be discovered in the tasks that occupied Albareda until 1939, when the “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” was set up, Albareda was General Secretary of this Institution.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.02]
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Los primeros contactos de Rafael Calvo Serer con san Josemaría (1936-1940),Onésimo Díaz Hernández (pp. 67-70). | The early meetings of Rafael Calvo Serer with St. Josemaría (1936-1940).
Biographical sketch of one of the first members of Opus Dei. He was a history student and president of the catholic students at the University of Valencia; he met the founder in March 1936. In April of that same year, Escrivá travelled to Valencia and, after a long conversation, Rafael Calvo Serer joined Opus Dei. At the end of the Civil War, he took active part in the organization of two spiritual retreats at the Juan de Ribera University Residence in Burjasot. He was also deeply involved in the early stages of Opus Dei in Valencia.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.03]
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Un amigo de san Josemaría: José López Ortiz, OSA, obispo e historiador, José Carlos Martín de la Hoz (pp. 91-121). | A friend of S. Josemaría: José López Ortiz, OSA, bishop and historian.
Josemaría Escrivá (1902-1975) and José López Ortiz, OSA (1898-1992) first met in the lecture halls of the University of Saragossa in 1924. From then until 1975, the year in which the former died, they maintained a deep friendship. The highlights of this friendship are detailed on the following pages as well as the knowledge that López Ortiz gained about the spirit of Opus Dei and its founder. This information is based on the relevant documents and the correspondence that is preserved between them.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.04]
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La découverte de saint Josémaria Escriva par le canoniste Willy Onclin, Jean-Pierre Schouppe (pp. 123-162). | The discovery of the person of St. Josemaría Escrivá by the Canon Lawyer Willy Onclin.
Msgr. Willy Onclin, Canon Lawyer at Louvain, first met St. Josemaría in Rome during the course of the Second Vatican Council and the reform of the Code of Canon Law. The discovery of the personality of the saint and the spirit of Opus Dei marked a high point in his life. Thanks to the correspondence and some witnesses, the relationship can be traced. Onclin helped with the commencement of the apostolic work of Opus Dei in Belgium. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Navarre and he delivered some conferences at the CRIS (Roman Center for Priestly Encounters). He reacted supernaturally to the news of St. Josemaría’s death and maintained a friendly relationship with Álvaro del Portillo.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.05]
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San Josemaría ante el Vaticano. Encuentros y trabajos durante el primer viaje a Roma: del 23 de junio al 31 de agosto de 1946, Luis Cano (pp. 165-209). | St. Josemaría at the Vatican. Relations and activity during the first visit to Rome: from the 23rd of June until 31st of August, 1946.
This article centers on the people that St. Josemaría dealt with during his first trip to Rome in 1946 and the progress of the efforts to obtain Pontifical approval of Opus Dei and to make it known in Roman circles. It was his first direct contact with the Roman Curia and the Eternal City. His first audience with Pius XII is particularly important as well as the relationship established at that time with Msgr Montini.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.06]
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Mujer y Universidad en España (1910-1936). Contexto histórico del punto 946 de Camino, Mercedes Montero (pp. 211-234) | Woman and the University in Spain (1910-1936). Historical context of point 946 of The Way.
The aim of this article is twofold: first, to describe the situation of women’s university education in Spain in the first part of the 20 th Century; and second, to investigate the origin of the phrase «women needn’t be scholars: it’s enough for them to be prudent», which was not invented by St. Josemaría. Both topics are relevant in situating point 946 of The Way in its historical context.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.07]
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La formación de un gran relato sobre el Opus Dei, Jaume Aurell (pp. 235-294). | The making of a great story about Opus Dei in Spain (1939-1975).
The aim of this article is to investigate, analyze and interpret the image of Opus Dei, specially centered on the period of Franco’s rule in Spain (1939-1975). The principal objective of the research is to look into the causes of the contrast between the reality of Opus Dei and the image projected by it. A secondary objective is to explore the processes which govern these types of distortions, that are so prevalent in modern societies and indeed postmodern societies. The article starts out by studying this image of Opus Dei and then proceeds to analyze how the great stories of contemporary societies function and are disseminated, as well as the projection of the cultural and social realities that they convey.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.08]
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Dos amigos que se escriben: Josemaría Escrivá y José María Bueno Monreal, 1939-1975, Santiago Martínez Sánchez (pp. 297-394). | Two friends who write to each other: Josemaría Escrivá and José María Bueno Monreal, 1939-1975.
A long friendship united St. Josemaría Escrivá and Cardinal Joseph M. Bueno for nearly fifty years, between 1928 and 1975. The letters we reproduced here cover much of that time. These letters highlight the identical desires they had to serve the Catholic Church and their common joy at the growing expansion of Opus Dei in Spain and abroad. The letters also reveal a link between their friendship and their mutual cooperation, helpful both for Opus Dei and for the Dioceses Bishop Bueno ruled, specially Seville.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.09]
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Los inicios de la obra de San Rafael. Un documento de 1935, Fernando Crovetto (pp. 395-412). | The beginnings of the work of St. Raphael. A document from 1935.
A document prepared by Juan Jiménez Vargas towards the end of the academic year 1934-35 is presented. This document outlines the commencement and the launch of the work of St. Raphael. It is written in a casual style and provides significant information about the formation and the development of the structure of these apostolic activities aimed at young university students. These activities were promoted by Josemaría Escrivá five years after having founded Opus Dei.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.06.2012.10]
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Presentación de la edición crítico-histórica de Santo Rosario en la iglesia de Santa Isabel (Madrid),(pp. 415-432).
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Recensioni | Book Reviews (pp. 435-447). PDF – Download
Schede bibliografiche | Book Notes (pp. 449-468). PDF – Download
Elenchi bibliografici | Bibliographical Index: Bibliografía general sobre los prelados del Opus Dei: Álvaro del Portillo, José Mario Fernández Montes, Santiago Martínez Sánchez, José Luis GonzáLez Gullón (pp. 469-515). PDF – Download