Studia et Documenta, vol. 10 – 2016
Pubblication: May 2016.
Pages: 545
Studia et Documenta: dieci anni di percorso, Carlo Pioppi (pp. 7-15)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.01]
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Presentacion, Alfredo Méndiz (pp. 19-21)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.02]
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José María González Barredo – An American Pioneer, John Coverdale (pp. 23-43)
José María González Barredo, chemist and school professor met St.Josemaría and Opus Dei in the 1930s. He moved to the United States in 1946 for professional motives and became the first member of the Work in that country. In parallel with his academic projects he paved the way for the commencement of Opus Dei in the United States.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.03]
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Ricardo Fernández Vallespín, sacerdote y arquitecto (1910-1988), Mariano Galazzi – José Luis González Gullón (pp. 45-96)
Ricardo Fernández Vallespín was the director of the DYA Academy and Residence, the first corporate apostolate of Opus Dei fostered by St. Josemaría in 1933. Fernández Vallespín took part in the development of the Work in Spain in the nineteen forties. In 1950 he commenced the apostolic work of Opus Dei in Argentina, and helped in the beginnings in other South American countries. Fernandez Vallespín lived his calling to Opus Dei through his professional work as an architect, through his pastoral service as a priest and through the acceptance of a long illness.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.04]
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Mons. Pedro Casciaro Ramírez (1915-1995), José Carlos Martín de la Hoz (pp. 97-140)
Biographical sketch of one of the first members of Opus Dei. Architecture student, met the founder of Opus Dei in the academic year 1934-1935. Endowed with great sympathy and sensitivity, collaborated with Saint Josemaría in the handling and installation of the first university residences in Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona. Ordained a priest in 1946, he began the apostolic work in Mexico and Central America. Called to Rome by the founder worked in the central government of Opus Dei from 1958 to 1966. He eventually returned to Mexico where, after launching many educational, charitable and academic work, died in 1995.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.05]
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Francisco Botella Raduán: los años junto a san Josemaría, Constantino Ánchel (pp. 141-193)
Francisco Botella Raduán (1915-1987) met St. Josemaría in 1935 and was one of the first members of Opus Dei. The purpose of this article is to present his life giving special attention to the years when he spent more time with the Founder (1935-1950). His own extensive memories have been of great help. The article has an autobiographical style. The fact that Botella recounts Escriva’s life in parallel with his own life facilitates this style. This narrative method introduces the personality of the Founder into the interior world of Francisco Botella, and gives a broader meaning to the different events of his history –studies, family, friendships, academic work, and priesthood.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.06]
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Vicente Rodríguez Casado. Niñez, juventud y primeros años en el Opus Dei (1918-1942), Luis Martínez Ferrer (pp. 195-257)
Chronological description of the life of Vicente Rodríguez from his birth in Ceuta (1918) up to his doctorate in History at the University of Madrid (1940). The family background, the education he received at El Pilar School and university entrance is analyzed. His relationship with St. Josemaria Escrivá is described as well as his admission to Opus Dei in 1936 and his life in the institution during the Spanish Civil War and the immediate postwar period.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.07]
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Begegnungen des hl. Josemaría mit deutschen Bischöfen 1949 – 1975, Barbara Schellenberger (pp. 261-292)
This article is about the German bishops the Founder of Opus Dei met personally on several occasions: the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Josef Frings (1887-1978), the Bishop of Aachen, Johannes Pohlschneider (1899-1981), the Bishop of Essen, Cardinal Franz Hengsbach (1910-1991) and the Bishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joseph Höffner (1906-1987). The article deals with the time-span 1949-1975, with the emphasis on the mid-sixties to mid-seventies period, i.e. that of the Vatican II and the period immediately after. In some respects this study also sheds light on the way in which the Second Vatican Council was received and interpreted and reflects the evolution of the apostolic work of Opus Dei in Germany and all over the world. There is also a short recording of Escriva’s meeting with Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber (1869-1952) in Munich in 1949, it being the first of its kind, that is, of a German bishop on German soil.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.08]
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Cine-club Monterols, 1951-1966, Josemaría Caparrós (pp. 293-395)
This article seeks to shed light on the work done by the film club established in the Monterols University Residence in Barcelona, during the years 1951-1966. The article draws attention to the activities of a group of university students made up of residents and students who regularly attended Residence events. These activities demonstrated a serious professional preparation which had an influence in Spanish film culture. This groundbreaking initiative would take shape in frequent seminars and specialized courses, the production of an educational film, the publication of the journal “Film Files”, the organization of the books in the Rialp film collection and the cooperation of some club members with the Procusa film producer in Madrid.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.09]
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Apuntes para una reflexión teológica sobre el itinerario jurídico del Opus Dei, José Luis Illanes (pp. 327-362)
The author, reflecting on the canonical path of Opus Dei, shows how the founder defends the clear-cut secularity of Opus Dei members by overcoming the concepts of the “evangelical counsels” and “state of perfection”. The article concludes with a reference to the establishment of Opus Dei as a personal prelature, a legal form fully in keeping with its spiritual reality.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.10]
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Cartas de Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer a Juan Jiménez Vargas (1937-1939), Alfredo Méndiz (pp. 365-422)
Publication and Commentary of the Letters written by Josemaría Escrivá to Juan Jiménez Vargas between December 1937 and March 1939, during the Spanish Civil War.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.11]
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La crisi come opportunità: riconsiderare, in dialogo con san Josemaría, il senso del lavoro, Giorgio Faro (pp. 425-453)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.12]
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San Josemaría e la teologia dei santi: l’importante contributo teologico di un convegno romano, Giulio Maspero (pp. 456-466)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.10.2016.13]
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Recensioni (pp. 467-478) | PDF | Epub | Kindle
Schede bibliografiche (pp. 479-499) | PDF | Epub | Kindle
Elenchi bibliografici: Bibliografía general sobre Prelados, 2003-2009, José Mario Fernández – Santiago Martínez (pp. 501-545) | PDF | Epub | Kindle