Collection of the Complete Works of St. Josemaria
One of the first tasks undertaken by the Historical Institute has been the preparation of the complete works of St. Josemaria. This task is being carried out with a rigorous scientific approach. The study of the existing material has led to the division of the project into five series which will be: Series I: Published works; Series II: Unpublished works; Series III: Collected letters; Series IV: Manuscripts; Series V: Oral preaching. More.
St. Josemaría dictionary
A high-quality encyclopedic dictionary dedicated to the life, message and doctrine of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei. The dictionary contains 288 entries of which 158 are theological-spiritual in character while 130 are of a historical-biographical type. The task has been brought to fruition thanks to the efforts of 226 authors selected from theologians, canon lawyers, historians, philosophers and other specialists from the five continents under the supervision of an editorial committee chaired by José Luis Illanes. More.
Collection of monographs and reference sources
The Historical Institute promotes the publication of monographic studies about St. Josemaria and Opus Dei. More.
Studia et Documenta
This a peer-review annual journal that accepts only academic studies: historical, theological, legal, sociological, etc. It has a section dedicated to the publishing of sources. It also has a section which offers up to date information on the principal academic events related to St. Josemaría and Opus Dei. The journal also contains an extensive bibliography. Subscriptions: