Introducing the new critical edition of Camino
On 14 September, the Istituto Storico San Josemaría introduced their presentation of the new critical edition of Camino at the University of the Holy Cross (Rome).
On 14 September, the Istituto Storico San Josemaría introduced their presentation of the new critical edition of Camino at the University of the Holy Cross (Rome).
The second volume of St Josemaria’s “Letters” has been published. The volume consists of four documents; two of these focus on young people; another is a summary of the entire charism of Opus Dei while the last document explains Christian life in terms of service.
This 700-page volume reviews the history of Opus Dei, from its foundation in 1928 up until 2016; a time span that covers the period of the founder and his first two successors.
The book focuses on the distinct phases of the consolidation of the work of Opus Dei among women during its first twenty years of existence, and the different apostolic activities developed by them.
The Rialp Publishing House has just published a book containing important unpublished writings by St. Josemaría Escrivá.