Critical and annotated edition, prepared by Luis Cano
Madrid, Rialp, 2022
ISBN: 978-84-321-6017-2
XX+252 pages.
160 x 240 mm.
The second volume of St Josemaria’s “Letters” has been published. The volume consists of four documents from an extensive series of writings that the founder of Opus Dei called “Letters”. Two of these documents focus on young people; another is a summary of the entire charism of Opus Dei while the last document explains Christian life in terms of service: serving God and serving the Church, as a conscious exercise of freedom.
These writings are absolutely essential for understanding the charism and the specific ecclesial proposal of Opus Dei. However, their contents may also be of interest to people from all walks of life who are wondering how to follow Jesus Christ in today’s world, while following ecclesial paths that are very different from Opus Dei.
Luis Cano holds a degree in Law (University of Navarre) and a PhD in Spiritual Theology (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome). He is Secretary to the St. Josemaría Escrivá Historical Institute and Professor of Church History at the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose all’Apollinare in Rome, where he has lived since 1989. His research work deals with the life of Saint Josemaría and the history of Opus Dei, and with the history of devotion to the Sacred Heart and to Christ the King.