I. General indications
- 1) Studia et Documenta publishes scientific works on the history of Opus Dei and its founder, as well as its social, cultural and religious context.
- 2) It is an academic journal that only accepts original and unpublished texts with historical methodology: use of sources, critical study of documents and detailed analysis of the facts.
- 3) Preference will be given to studies that present a broader historical context, presenting the events in their social, cultural and religious scope.
- 4) The journal publishes articles in French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German.
Delivery of originals
- 5) Papers will be sent to the journal by email (setd@isje.it), in a format compatible with Microsoft Word.
- 6) Authors do no pay any amount to publish in the journal.
- 7) Articles must include the following date: full name of the author; residence and email address; institution of belonging; curriculum vitae not exceeding 150 words; ORCID code; title of the article; abstract, with a maximum of 200 words; keywords, with a maximum of 10.
- 8) The title, abstract and keywords must be in the original language and in English. If the article is in English, the second abstract should be in Italian.
- 9) The abstract should be a summary of the study, explaining the objectives, methodology and conclusions reached. Keywords should include some of the terms used in the title and abstract.
- 10) A final list will contain the cited bibliography and archival sources, according to the editing rules.
Extension of originals
- 11) Collaborations in the monographic section and in the “Studies and notes” section range between 5,000 and 12,000 words.
- 12) The bibliographic section should include reviews and summaries. Reviews should be between 800 and 2,000 words, with no footnotes. Summaries should have a maximum of 400 words. The editor of the journal will accept an extension greater than that foreseen, subject to agreement with the author.
- 13) To encourage academic discussion, reviews must contain a critical analysis of the content, methodology, conclusions, etc., of the work studied.
Acceptance of originals
- 14) Each article is examined by two external and independent reviewers, with the “double-blind” system, which maintains the anonymity of the author and reviewers.
- 15) The assessment will take into account the following guidelines established by the Editorial Committee:
- a. the scientific rigour and research methodology of the article;
- b. the quality and clarity of speech;
- c. the academic interest of the work;
- d. the originality of the writing.
- 16) In the event of discrepancies in opinions or conflicts of interest, a third specialist will be consulted.
- 17) Each author is informed of the results of the evaluation within a maximum period of six months, so that they can make the suggested modifications.
- 18) The Editorial Board does not correct the texts sent: manuscripts that do not conform to the editorial standards may be rejected.
- 19) The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept the articles and to decide, according to their content, in which section of the journal they will be published.
Intellectual rights and authorisation for use
- 20) The authors allow Studia et Documenta to use and disseminate their texts in their printed, electronic or other media versions, in addition to their inclusion in catalogues, libraries, servers or virtual sites.
- 21) The authors allow Studia et Documenta to offer their texts in open access, so that all articles are available immediately, without embargo to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, track them for indexing, transfer them as data to computer programs or use them for any other lawful purpose, always citing the source and following the Creative Commons license: BY-NC-ND.
- 22) Authors may use their texts with absolute freedom and disseminate them on other platforms and digital repositories, always citing Studia et Documenta as an original publication (Copyright: Istituto Storico San Josemaría Escrivá) and following the Creative Commons license: BY-NC-ND.
- 23) Authors must respect the journal’s “Code of Conduct”, available on the website.
- 24) After publication of the work, the authors will receive a paper copy of the edited volume and a PDF of the text itself.
II. Style and writing rules
- 1) The body should be structured in sections, with headings that do not contain numbering or full stops and will follow the following pattern:
- a. first level, in small caps (eg.: PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE…);
- b. second level, without small caps and in italics (eg.: First period…);
- c. third level, without small caps or italics (eg.: Years 1939-1945…).
- 2) References to people should mention the first and last name or only the last name.
- 3) For the use of uppercase and lowercase letters, the spelling rules of each language apply.
- 4) Dates should be written extensively: 15 August 1979 (not 15.08.1979 or similar).
III. Bibliographic and archival citation rules at the foot of the page
- 1) Bibliographic citations will be briefly noted in the footnote.
- a. Works by one or two authors: only the author’s last name + year +: + number of pages should be written. Examples: Méndiz 2019: 381-383; Alva, Montero 2021: 199-234.
- b. Works with three or more authors: First author’s last name + et al. + year + : + pages. Example: Illanes et al. 2008: 37-45.
- c. When the same author has more than one cited work from the same year, they will be distinguished by adding the sequence a, b, c… after the year. Example: Cano 2021a: 243-245; Cano 2021b: 547.
- d. For successive citations of the same work, the work will be cited again, avoiding the Ibid formula.
- e. If it is not a literal quote, the “Cf.” will be used.
- 2) Archival citations will be noted in the footnote.
- a. If the document in the archive has a title, it should be written in quotation marks. If it has no title, it should be described without quotation marks. Example: “Resumen de la reunión del 25 de noviembre de 1919” // draft of the letter from Santiago López to Rafael González.
- b. For successive citations of the same document, the document will be cited again, avoiding the Ibid formula.
IV. Citation rules for primary and secondary sources
- 1) At the end of the article there should be a list with the archival sources consulted.
- a. The archives consulted will be listed, with their respective acronyms or abbreviations.
- b. The collection or series consulted for each file must be specified.
Archivio Apostolico Vaticano (AAV)
— Fondo Segreteria di Stato, 1897.
Archivio Generale della Prelatura (AGP)
— Fondo II, Serie M.1.
— Fondo III, Serie U.2.
- 2) The list of the cited bibliography will be included below.
- a. The titles of books and magazines should be italicised, both in their extensive form and when abbreviated (e.g.: Studia et Documenta or SetD).
- b. The titles of journal articles and book chapters should be in quotation marks. For the typology of the quotation marks, the spelling rules of each language apply.
- c. If there is more than one author or editor, they should be separated by a semicolon (;).
Coverdale, John F. 20022. Uncommon faith. The early years of Opus Dei, 1928-1943, Princeton (NJ), Scepter.
Journal article
Léonard, André-Mutien 2003. “Le matérialisme chrétien by Josemaría Escrivá. Réflexions autour du livre Entretiens avec Mgr. Escrivá”, Annales Theologici 17, pp. 167-184.
Pioppi, Carlo 2022. “Gli anni di gioventù di Josemaría Escrivá (1902-1928)”, SetD 16, pp. 97-124.
Book chapter
Spieker, Manfred 2004. “Josemaría Escrivá y la cuestión social sobre la ética política de los cristianos”, in Borobia, Jon; Lluch-Baixauli, Miguel; Murillo Gómez, José Ignacio; Terrasa Messuti, Eduardo (eds.), Trabajo y espíritu: sobre el sentido del trabajo desde las enseñanzas de Josemaría Escrivá en el contexto del pensamiento contemporáneo, vol. IV, Pamplona, Eunsa, pp. 331-347.
Article in the proceedings of a congress
Cazzaro, Bernardo 2002. “Una visión original del mundo”, in An ever current message. Proceedings of the Cono Sur University Congress “Un mensaje siempre actual. Actas del Congreso Universitario del Cono Sur “Hacia el centenario del nacimiento del Beato Josemaría Escrivá” (Roma, 26 a 29 julio 2001), Buenos Aires, Austral University, pp. 48–54.
Article published online
It must contain the author’s name, title and full URL. The date of consultation may or may not be indicated.
V. Illustrations
- 1) The tables and up to a maximum of five photographs, with their corresponding footer, will be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals.
- 2) As scientifically responsible for their work, authors must obtain permissions for the publication of photographs and other graphic materials, in paper and digital format, when necessary, following the Creative Commons license: BY-NC-ND.
- 3) If there are any copyright restrictions, the author must inform the Editorial Board: only photographs free of copyright or with the necessary permissions, which have the documentation that accredits them, will be published . The journal disclaims any liability arising from negligence on the part of the author. If in doubt, the author can contact the journal’s Editorial Committee (setd@isje.it).
- 4) The images will be published in black and white, with a brief descriptive text that includes the source of origin and, if necessary, the institution or archive depository of the original or copyright.
- 5) Images must be submitted in digital format, preferably in TIFF or JPEG format with at least 300 DPI.
- 6) The journal box is 20 x 12.5 cm, dimensions to take into account when selecting the font size used in the graphic device delivered.