Studia et Documenta, vol. 7 – 2013
Publication: March 2013
Pages: 528
Sommario e Nota editoriale, (pp. 7-8) PDF – Download
Presentación, José Luis Illanes, (pp. 11-13)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.01]
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Los comienzos del apostolado del Opus Dei entre mujeres (1930-1939), Gloria Toranzo (pp. 15-93) | The beginnings of the apostolate of Opus Dei with women 1930-1939
A study of the historical context of Spain in the 1930’s and the circumstances surrounding the foundational moment in which St. Josemaria saw that there was also room for women in Opus Dei. A description is given of the activity carried out by Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer to give formation to the first women who came in contact with the apostolates of the Work, and some biographical details are given.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.02]
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El primer viaje a Andalucía de san Josemaría (abril de 1938), Joaquín Herrera Dávila (pp. 95-124) | The first trip of St. Josemaría Escrivá to Andalusia (April 1938)
On April 17-23, 1938, at the height of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Josemaría Escrivá travelled from the Castillian city of Burgos, where he was residing, to Cordoba to meet a student who was then enlisted in the army. St. Josemaría passed by Seville both on the outward and the return journeys. We have tried to describe the historical background of his stay in these Spanish cities with the help of documentary sources which are a first-hand account of the conditions encountered by those who made these train trips in Spain in a war time environment.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.03]
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La predicación de san Josemaría Fuentes documentales para el periodo 1938-1946, Constantino Ánchel (pp. 125-198) | The preaching of St. Josemaría. Documentary sources for the period 1938-1946
This article presents documents which give information about St. Josemaría’s preaching between August 1938 and June 1946, the date of his first trip to Rome. During this period he dedicated most of his energy to the consolidation and development of Opus Dei. However, he also found time for preaching. In addition, he carried out an intense pastoral activity with people from all walks of life. One hundred and fifty documents, with varied content, have been identified with specific information on these activities: from those which give no more than the bare fact of spiritual exercises or retreats to those which record extensive notes taken during these activities.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.04]
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Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y el colegio de las Escuelas Pías de Barbastro (1908-1915), Martín Ibarra Benlloch (pp. 201-220) | Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer and the College of the Pious Schools of Barbastro (1908-1915)
This article offers new information about the childhood of St. Josemaría. Some historical data is presented about the College of the Pious Schools of Barbastro, information is also provided about the circumstances surrounding St. Josemaria´s education in the school. So,the topics are the life of piety in the school, the Christian Initiation of St. Josemaría, the
curricula in grade school and high school, teachers and classmates.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.05]
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Die Vorgeschichte des Opus Dei in Österreich: Drei Reisen des heiligen Josefmaria (1949-1955), Ricardo Estarriol (pp. 221-257) | The Pre-history of Opus Dei in Austria: Three Journeys of St. Josemaria (1949-1955)
Description of the first three trips of Josemaría Escrivá carried out in the interval of just over six years (in 1949 and twice in 1955). The documentation and testimonials provided by the author show that these trips were part of the direct preparation of the apostolate of Opus Dei in Austria and indirectly in the countries and nations behind what was then called the Iron Curtain. This is the reason why Escrivá referred to Viena as “the gateway to the East”. The narration shows in an appealing way – along with very specific events which occurred during the trips – how the spiritual grid of that particular prehistory of the Work was marked by the cross, and held together by prayer, the devotion to the Holy Trinity and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (which St. Josemaría called upon for the first time in Vienna under the name of “Stella Orientis”). The development of the apostolate of Opus Dei in Austria after 1957, as well as in twelve former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe after 1989, confirms the importance of such prehistory.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.06]
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L’avvio del Collegio Romano di Santa Maria, María Isabel Montero Casado de Amezúa (pp. 259-319) | The beginnings of the Roman College of Santa Maria
The article describes the project of creating an international Center of Studies for women of Opus Dei which Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer promoted and set in motion in 1953.
After explaining briefly the present day situation of the Center, the article includes a study of the difficulties which the Founder encountered in carrying out the project. Information is given about the Campus, the early programs of study and the identity of the first students. Finally a brief overview is given of what might have been the day to day life of that First Class.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.07]
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Un viaje del cardenal Roncalli a España (1954), Alfredo Méndiz (pp. 321-346) | Cardinal Roncalli’s journey to Spain (1954)
Historical reconstruction of the trip made to Spain in 1954 by the Cardinal Archbishop of Venice, Angelo Roncalli, future Pope John XXIII, with special reference to his stay in two different residences entrusted to Opus Dei: La Estila, in Santiago de Compostela, and Miraflores, in Saragossa.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.08]
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Una iniciativa a favor de la integración social: La Escuela Hotelera Zunil (Guatemala), Adelaida Sagarra Gamazo (pp. 347-368) | An initiative for social integration: the Catering School Zunil (Guatemala)
Historical Approach. In the context of the history of Guatemala, multiethnic and multicultural society, from the spirit of Opus Dei, the professional initiative inspires some women Zunil Technical School for Mayan and Hispanic women in rural areas. The professional qualifications and Christian values contribute to the social integration of the two worlds.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.09]
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Anotaciones de Ricardo Fernández Vallespín en la Academia DYA de Madrid (18 de marzo – 25 de junio de 1934), José Luis González Gullón 371-402 | Notes taken by Ricardo Fernández Vallespín in the DYA Academy (March 18th – June 25th 1934)
The DYA Academy was the first center of Opus Dei in which Saint Josemaría gave Christian formation to university students and members of Opus Dei. During the time that the Academy was open, Ricardo Fernández Vallespín wrote several notes about different events that occurred in the Academy. The transcription and commentary of these notes help to understand better the purpose of this project, which was fostered and guided by Saint Josemaría.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.10]
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Un informe del arzobispo de Valencia sobre el Opus Dei para la nunciatura de Madrid (1941), Francisca Colomer Pellicer (pp. 403-430) | A report of the Archbishop of Valencia about Opus Dei prepared for the Nunciature of Madrid (1941)
Gaetano Cicognani, apostolic nuncio to Spain in 1941, sent a letter to some Spanish Bishops asking for a report on the institution Opus Dei. The Archbishop of Valencia, Prudencio Melo y Alcalde, wrote his report having in mind the informations he had gathered from different priests and monks that knew Saint Josemaría. This article explains the circumstances related to the report and presents the people who participated in the final report. The documents are included in an appendix.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.11]
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Información sobre las causas de canonización de algunos fieles del Opus Dei, José Carlos Martín de la Hoz (pp. 433-449)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.07.2013.12]
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Recensioni | Book Reviews (pp. 453-462) PDF – Download
Schede bibliografiche | Book Notes (pp. 463-482) PDF – Download
Elenchi bibliografici | Bibliographical Index
Bibliografía general sobre los Prelados del Opus Dei: Javier Echevarría (hasta 2002), José Mario Fernández Montes – Santiago Martínez Sánchez – José Luis González Gullón (pp. 483-524) PDF – Download