Studia et Documenta, vol. 15 – 2021
Published: April 2021
Pages: 527
Presentación, Carmen Alejos
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.01]
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Tra Ricostruzione e Guerra Fredda: Pio XII, il mondo e la Chiesa dal 1945 al 1958, Carlo Pioppi
The article presents an overview of the world and the Catholic Church in the years following the Second World War. It opens by examining the political, economic and social situation; it goes on to show the relationships between Catholicism and the world of that period; the article concludes with a study of the internal life of the Church under the guidance of Pius XII. The aim of the essay is to provide an introduction to the Monograph on the development of Opus Dei in the 1950s.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.02]
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El I congreso general del Opus Dei (1951), Francesc Castells – José Luis González Gullón
Opus Dei celebrated its First General Congress in 1951, with a gathering for men in May and another for women in October. Gathered about the Founder, the Congress delegates examined development of the activities and apostolates of Opus Dei and determined guidelines for growth over the coming five years. They also approved the composition of the new central and regional governing bodies, and paid particular attention to countries in which Opus Dei was taking its first steps, such as Argentina, the United States of America, and Mexico. The Congress was marked in a particular way by three consecrations made by the Founder of Opus Dei around that time to the Holy Family, the Most Sweet Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.03]
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Los Agregados del Opus Dei: Historia de los comienzos, Constantino Ánchel
The Associates of Opus Dei: A History of the Beginnings: After 1950, following pontifical approvals, single and married people of all walks of life were able to join Opus Dei. The celibate members now included the aggregates in addition to the numeraries. In this article, which is a prelude to a more extensive study, we will examine, in the first place, the itinerary that led to the approval of the idea of the associate, and in the second place, we will describe the process through which the first four male associates were incorporated into Opus Dei between March 1950 and February 1951.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.04]
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Las agregadas del Opus Dei, preparación y comprensión de la misión. España 1950-1955, María Eugenia Ossandón – María Hernández-Sampelayo
The incorporation of associate members into Opus Dei began in 1950, following the approval of Opus Dei as a secular institute. This study focuses on the formation of the women who had applied for admission as associates in the first half of the 1950s in Spain. These were women with a celibate commitment, who had a professional career and who did not live in Opus Dei centers. Firstly, the methods and content of this personal and collective formation are discussed, and secondly, the response of some of these women is examined.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.05]
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Nihil sine episcopo. Los obispos españoles ante la Sociedad Sacerdotal de la Santa Cruz, 1950-1959, Santiago Martínez Sánchez
The article focuses on the early reception of the Spanish episcopate to the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, from 1950 to 1959, when the nature of this Priestly Society, united to Opus Dei, was described to the Spanish prelates. The ecclesiastical context and ideas during that period regarding the secular identity and mission of diocesan priests are analyzed. Also, the proposal of the founder of Opus Dei to offer this initiative to the Spanish ecclesiastical world is exposed. Finally, the episcopal understanding of this priestly society to admit priests incardinated to dioceses is addressed.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.06]
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La expansión del Opus Dei desde España entre la aprobación definitiva y el II Congreso general (1950-1956), Fernando Crovetto – Federico Requena
This study provides an overview of the international expansion of Opus Dei, between 1950 and 1956, which was carried out from Spain; and a prosopography of the members of the Work who carried it out. It also considers the immediate circumstances that led to the commencement of the Work in each of these nations.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.07]
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Joseph E. Haley, C.S.C. y José Luis Múzquiz, sacerdote del Opus Dei: apostolado laical y secularidad en Estados Unidos antes del Concilio Vaticano II (1949-1961), Federico Requena
During the ten years preceding the Second Vatican Council, the priests Joseph E. Haley, C.S.C., of the University of Notre Dame, and José Luis Múzquiz, of Opus Dei, became leaders of secular institutes in the United States. The history of their agreements and differences reveals a diversity of interpretations of the new canonical figure, linked to a diversity of conceptions of secularity and the way of understanding the vocation and mission of the laity in the world. During these years, Opus Dei evolved from considering itself the model of the secular institutes, to understanding that this figure did not suit its nature. The transatlantic dimensions of the agreements and differences between Haley and Muzquiz concerning secular institutes are also addressed.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.08]
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José Luis Múzquiz en Portugal (6 a 14 de marzo de 1941): relación de viaje, Alfredo Méndiz
An annotated version of an account written by José Luis Múzquiz in March 1941, during a trip to Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra. The trip was made on behalf of the Spanish scientific research authorities, who were keen to promote cultural exchange with the neighboring country. The visit brought Múzquiz into contact with a large number of Portuguese university professors and students.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.09]
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Textos de la predicación oral de san Josemaría Escrivá en Crónica, enero-junio 1970, Luis Cano
These pages contain unpublished extracts, revised and authorized by Saint Josemaría for the use of the members of Opus Dei. These texts are taken from the talks he gave to a variety of people from January to June 1970. In these talks, he addressed a wide range of topics related to the spiritual life and the situation of the world and the Church.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.15.2021.10]
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Recensioni, PDF | Epub | Kindle
Schede bibliografiche, PDF | Epub | Kindle
Elenco bibliografico. Bibliografía general sobre los Prelados del Opus Dei: Fernando Ocáriz, 1972-2013, José Mario Fernández Montes – Santiago Martínez
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