Studia et Documenta, vol. 18 – 2024
Published: March 2024
Pages: 542
Presentación, Alfredo Méndiz
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.01]
Una vocación para llenar de luz el mundo: trayectorias personales de supernumerarios, a raíz del curso de retiro predicado por san Josemaría en 1949, Luis Cano
During Holy Week 1949, Josemaría Escrivá preached a retreat to a group of professionals in the Molinoviejo Conference Center. Several of the first supernumeraries of Opus Dei came from this retreat. The article describes the progress of the preaching of St. Josemaría to this group. The details are partly reconstructed from the notes of some of the participants as well as the personal history of several of these pioneers.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.02]
Las primeras convivencias de supernumerarias en España (1952-1957), María Luisa Galdón – Julio Montero-Díaz
In October 1952 there were about forty supernumeraries in Spain and on October 31 of that year the first of the weeks of formation commenced. These courses would continue thereafter on a regular basis. In order to attend, these women had to overcome certain obstacles associated with the situation of women in Spain at that time and the prevailing national culture. This article examines the content of the formation that was given in these first courses through to June 1957 and the characteristics that make it possible to assess the extent to which this formation was assimilated. The attentive attitude and good disposition of these women is demonstrated, while they were given a broader, deeper and, above all, more systematic knowledge of the spirit of Opus Dei and, consequently, of the specific aspects involved in the personal commitment they had undertaken. Written sources (the diaries of the workshops and the correspondence available from some supernumeraries and numeraries who looked after them in the center)and oral sources (interviews with 19 supernumeraries of that time) have been used.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.03]
Tomás Alvira en el Colegio Infanta María Teresa (1950-1957): un reformador y su proyecto educativo, Alfredo Méndiz
Presentation and analysis of the work carried out by Tomás Alvira in the “Colegio Infanta María Teresa” for orphans of the Civil Guard, in Madrid, during the years in which he directed it (1950-1957).
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.04]
El influjo de la espiritualidad secular del Opus Dei en las realizaciones del empresario gijonés Luis Adaro Ruiz-Falcó (1914-2006), Francisco B. Santamaría Egurrola
The figure of Luis Adaro Ruiz-Falcó (1914-2006) covers countless facets. Engineer, businessman, historian, he was a notable public figure in the second half of the 20th Century in Asturias. In 1959 he joined Opus Dei, being the first person to be a member of this Institution in Gijón (Asturias). The present work, together with some general biographical elements, gives an account of its religious facet, in order, in this context, to show the impact that the secular spirituality of Opus Dei had on the various kinds of initiatives that carried out throughout his long life.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.05]
Los primeros años de labor de San Gabriel en la Argentina: historia de dos ciudades, Dario Carlos Casapiccola
The article covers the 1950-1961 timeframe of the institution’s development in Argentina through the St. Gabriel labors’ perspective. It counts the supernumeraries that joined the institution those years with a brief prosopographic survey centered in Buenos Aires and Rosario cities, where there were stable labor.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.06]
La impronta del mensaje de san Josemaría Escrivá en la vida de una mujer corriente: María Eugenia Ibarguren, Milagros Gallardo
María Eugenia Ibarguren was born in Buenos Aires in 1939 and died in the same city in 1996. The life of this ordinary woman, who was married and was a member of Opus Dei, enables us to explore more general matters such as the acceptance and dissemination of the message of St. Josemaría Escrivá in the society of Buenos Aires.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.07]
Ruth Pakaluk. Putting Talent at the Service of God, Family, and Community, John F. Coverdale
Ruth Pakaluk converted to Catholicism shortly after graduating from Harvard University. Several years later, both she and her husband joined Opus Dei. Ruth poured her extraordinary talent into caring for her large family, personal apostolate, and working to improve society through pro-life activism and support of anti-hunger programs and other social causes. She died of cancer at 41 years of age.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.08]
Historia de vida: una mujer del Opus Dei en los primeros años del franquismo (1945-1950), Ana Escauriaza
This article studies the life story of Aurora Nieto Funcia, a woman who joined Opus Dei in 1945, in early years of Franco’s dictatorship in Spain. Her existence is interesting for three reasons, all of them related to the historical context in which she lived. The first is her personal and family situation: she studied to be a teacher and had to work to support her family financially, she managed a farm in Zamora and taught in an institution. Secondly, because she was a Catholic woman, very common in her time, and at the same time closely linked to Catholic Action, where she held positions of responsibility, who discovered and became convinced of the message transmitted to her by José María Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei. And the third, is the way in which Nieto Funcia understood what Opus Dei was and how she discovered that she too was called to this way.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.09]
El Opus Dei en Estados Unidos (1957-1961): la región de Washington, Federico M. Requena
In November 1957, a significant milestone in the history of Opus Dei in the United States –which he had started in 1949–, marking the establishment of two distinct circumscriptions: the Chicago region and the Washington region. This article focuses on the formative years of the Washington region, spanning from 1957 to 1961, specifically highlighting the experiences of the male members of Opus Dei. It provides a chronological account, outlines the geographical and demographic aspects, and delves into certain institutional aspects, such as the organization’s relationship with the American hierarchy and its presence in Washington D.C., Boston and Cambridge, and New York.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.10]
Los nombres y apellidos del fundador del Opus Dei, José Luis González Gullón
During his lifetime, the founder of Opus Dei made two changes to his names: he united the first two into one —Josemaría— and added the toponymic “de Balaguer” to his first surname. This study analyzes the reasons for these changes and the ways in which the founder himself expressed his name.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.11]
I viaggi del 1949 in Sicilia nelle relazioni di Luigi Tirelli, Cosimo Di Fazio
The first expansion of Opus Dei in Italy, in 1949, is described: this consists of an overview together with the criteria given by St. Josemaría for undertaking the trips to make Opus Dei known. With the help of the notes of Luigi Tirelli, one of the people involved in the trips, we focus on the activities carried out in Sicily (Palermo and Catania) up until the opening of the first center of the Work in Palermo (1949). To conclude, an outline of the trips to Italian cities is presented.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.12]
Las primeras mujeres del Opus Dei en Argentina. Algunas notas sobre el contexto de la década de 1950, Eliana Fucili
In these pages, the early years of Opus Dei in Argentina are examined, with a particular focus on the development of female apostolic work. The selected time frame encompasses the years 1952-1962 when apostolic efforts commenced in the city of Rosario, the first vocations emerged, and the institution initiated its expansion into other cities. The objective of this work is to establish a timeline for Opus Dei’s beginnings in Rosario and examine the role of women in Argentine society.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.13]
Los institutos seculares clericales durante el pontificado de Pío XII, 1947-1958, Santiago Martínez Sánchez
This paper deals with several issues of Pius XII’s pastoral concern for the clergy, such as the new canonical framework created under his pontificate in 1947, which allowed the constitution of clerical secular institutes, among them Opus Dei; which clerical sodalities received this juridical form during his pontificate; and what kind of misgivings existed among some canonists and pastors about the associative ties that some priests contracted in supradiocesan secular institutes.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.14]
Un boletín durante la guerra civil española, Noticias. El segundo ejemplar, abril de 1938, María Jesús Coma – María Eugenia Ossandón
During the Spanish Civil War, the founder of Opus Dei wrote a monthly family newsletter while he lived in Burgos. The newsletter gave brief information about the young people who had participated in the activities of the DYA Academy-Residence, in Madrid, who were scattered throughout Spain, and at the same time, served to send them a message of encouragement with the intention of keeping them vibrant in the Catholic faith. The second issues of this series presented, corresponding to the month of April 1938.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.15]
Escribiendo la historia de Tajamar: un compromiso, Julio Montero-Díaz
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.16]
Josep-Ignasi Saranyana [José Andrés-Gallego – Donato Barba Prieto, Sobre José Luis Illanes: persona y obra, Madrid, Ideas y Libros, 2023, 282 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.17]
Sergio Leos [José Luis González-Gullón – John F. Coverdale, Opus Dei: A History (1928-2016). Volume One, New York, Scepter Publishers, 2022, 241 pp. • José Luis González-Gullón – John F. Coverdale, Opus Dei: A History (1928-2016). Volume Two, New York, Scepter Publishers, 2022, 410 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.18]
Manuel Casado [San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Camino: Edición, introducción y notas de Fidel Sebastián Mediavilla, Madrid, Centro para la edición de los clásicos españoles, 2023, 368 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.19]
Julio de la Cueva Merino [Santiago Martínez Sánchez – Fernando Crovetto (eds.), Gentes, escenarios y estrategias. El Opus Dei durante el pontificado de Pío XII, 1939-1958, Cizur Menor (Navarra), Aranzadi, 2023, 264 + [16] p. de il.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.20]
Jean-Pierre Schouppe [Jacques Bagnoud, Charismes et structures juridiques selon Mgr Eugenio Corecco avec application à trois charismes : Communion et Libération, le Néocatéchuménat et l’Opus Dei, Thèse Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome, Chora Éd., 2021, pp. 497.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.21]
Fernando Puig [Julián Herranz, Dos Papas: Mis recuerdos con Benedicto XVI y Francisco, Madrid, Rialp, 2023, 392 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.22]
María Merino [Alfredo Méndiz, Tomás Alvira: vida de un educador (1906-1992), Madrid, Rialp, 2022, 369 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.23]
Rafael Domingo [Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Mis años con Juan Pablo II: notas personales, Madrid, Espasa, 2023, 635 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.24]
Alexandre Antosz [Miguel de Salis Amaral, Um carisma no tempo. O Opus Dei na vida da Igreja, Paulus, Apelação 2022, 126 pp.]
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.25]
Elenco bibliografico: Bibliografía sobre los Prelados del Opus Dei Álvaro del Portillo, Javier Echevarría y Fernando Ocáriz, 2014-2017, José Mario Fernández Montes – Onésimo Díaz Hernández
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.18.2024.26]