Studia et Documenta, vol. 12 – 2018
Publication: May 2018
Pages: 531
Presentación, Federico M. Requena (pp. 9-12)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.01]
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Sacerdotes en el acompañamiento espiritual de san Josemaría Escrivá, Constantino Ánchel (pp. 13-118)
Among the priests whom St. Josemaría got to know and with whom he had dealings, some played a special role in his spiritual direction. Some served as confessors, others counseled him in his interior life; while another group who had a special spiritual affinity with him, had conversations or exchanged priestly experiences, which were highly valued by the founder of Opus Dei. These priests are the subject of this study, a study which is limited in time by 25 June 1944 when Blessed Álvaro del Portillo commenced to take care of his spiritual life. This study has been structured into three periods from childhood in Barbastro until post-war Madrid. The commencement of each time period is marked by the inclusion of some brief insights into St. Josemaría’s life at that time.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.02]
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La formación de la biblioteca de san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (1937-1975), Jesús Gil Sáenz (pp. 119-170)
Saint Josemaría Escrivá kept a library with nearly 2,500 volumes in his working quarters in Rome. He began to put it together in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, after leaving the Republican controlled zone of Spain. The collection continued to grow later on in Madrid, and it was eventually moved to Rome in 1953. There it was stored in its definitive location, with volumes constantly added to it until 1975.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.03]
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El apostolado del Opus Dei entre mujeres: un segundo comienzo (1937-1942), Inmaculada Alva (pp. 173-217)
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, had to recommence the apostolate with women starting out with just two young women who had decided to follow him in 1937 and 1938 respectively. In the space of a few years a small group of girls from Madrid, Valencia and León was formed. They also committed themselves to live and spread the message transmitted by the founder. The present article investigates the development of this apostolic task by examining the letters, diaries and testimonies of the people involved.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.04]
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La Residencia Jenner: un espacio de convivencia en la posguerra española (1939-1940), Onésimo Díaz Hernández (pp. 219-250)
A study on the first year of the university residence located in Jenner Street, promoted by Josemaría Escrivá and directed by men of Opus Dei in Madrid. Among other matters, reference is made to how the residence functioned, who the residents were, the human and Christian formation that was imparted, the importance of study, the cultural activities that were offered to residents and non-residents, and so on. The objective is to show the spirit that animated Jenner in the historical context of Opus Dei’s development after the Spanish Civil War.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.05]
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Los primeros supernumerarios del Opus Dei. La convivencia de 1948, Luis Cano (pp. 251-302)
In 1947, Josemaría Escrivá was able to bring about a long-awaited aspect of the founding of Opus Dei: the admission of married members or those wishing to form a family. The crucial step occurred in September 1948, when − after having obtained recognition from the Holy See in that regard − he organized a gathering in which fifteen people participated. That’s where the first supernumeraries came from. This article focuses on the events of these days, in which St. Josemaría explained many details of the life of the supernumeraries. This reconstruction was made possible thanks to the notes and testimonies of some of the participants.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.06]
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Ramona Sanjurjo Aranaz y los inicios del Opus Dei en Vigo (1945-2001), Francisca Colomer Pellicer (pp. 303-315)
Ramona Sanjurjo Aranaz was born into a well-known family from Vigo (Galicia, Spain). She joined Opus Dei as a Supernumerary in 1948. She always lived in Vigo where she took care of her family and participated in the growth of the apostolate of Opus Dei in Galicia and Portugal. The article is mainly based on the letters she wrote from the time she first came across Opus Dei until the establishment of a center in Vigo. These letters show her way of life and her apostolate.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.07]
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Fr. William Porras, un capellán católico en la Universidad de Harvard (1954-1960), Federico M. Requena (pp. 317-380)
On October 19th, 1954, the Archbishop of Boston, Richard Cushing, appointed Guillermo Porras the first Opus Dei priest to settle in Boston, as chaplain of the Harvard Catholic Club. This article investigates the reasons that led the Archbishop to make that decision. The article also looks at Fr. Porras’ role in various events, such as the beginning of the regular celebration of Mass at Harvard, the first personal meeting of the Boston Archbishop and the President of Harvard, and the establishment of the Charles Chauncey Stillman Chair of Catholic Studies. Finally, the author addresses the chaplain’s vision of how Catholics should live and make their Catholicism present in an institution such as Harvard in the lead up to the Second Vatican Council.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.08]
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Experiencias de un sacerdote primerizo. Cartas de Salvador Canals a Josemaría Escrivá (1948-1949), Alfredo Méndiz (pp. 383-396)
Publication and commentary of the letters to Saint Josemaría of Salvador Canals during his first year as a priest, between November 1948 and October 1949.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.09]
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La Biblioteca Virtual Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y Opus Dei, Santiago Martínez Sánchez (pp. 399-411)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.10]
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A cinquanta anni da Amare il mondo appassionatamente. Chiavi teologiche di un testo sempre valido, Antonio Aranda (pp. 413-444)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.12.2018.11]
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Recensioni (pp. 447-461) PDF | Epub | Kindle
Schede bibliografiche (pp. 463-469) PDF | Epub | Kindle
Elenchi bibliografici (pp. 471-531) PDF | Epub | Kindle
Bibliografía sobre el Opus Dei, itinerarios vitales e iniciativas apostólicas, 2010-2013, José Mario Fernández Montes – Santiago Martínez Sánchez
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