Studia et Documenta, vol. 16 – 2022
Published: Mayo 2022
Pages: 536
Presentación, Concepción Escrig
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.01]
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El desarrollo del Opus Dei entre las mujeres en Valencia, 1940-1975. Cronología y primera aproximación, Francisca Colomer
This article offers an overview and a chronology of the apostolate carried out by Opus Dei women in the Valencia delegation between 1940 and 1975. Some of the initiatives that were launched are featured and some topics are presented which can be studied in greater depth in subsequent studies.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.02]
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Primeros pasos en Estados Unidos: el papel de Nisa González Guzmán en los comienzos del Opus Dei (1950-1952), Inmaculada Alva
The first women of Opus Dei arrived from Spain to the United States to carry out their evangelization activities in 1950. The first three years were difficult and crucial. This work shows the efforts of these women to get to know a culture so different from the Spanish one of those years and the role of Nisa Gonzalez Guzman in the formation and organization of the apostolic work. It also highlights the importance of the reinforcements that arrived from Mexico in 1952, where the apostolic work had developed more rapidly.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.03]
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Mujeres del Opus Dei doctoras en Teología en las Universidades de Navarra y Pontificia de la Santa Cruz (1973-2018), Beatriz Comella
This paper examines the reasons that led the founder of the Opus Dei to set up a doctoral degree programme in theology mainly in order to train women to teach philosophy and theology at the Studia Generalia. It also analyzes the data on the ninety women who have presented their doctoral thesis in the University of Navarra and the Pontifical University of Santa Cruz between 1973 and 2018.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.04]
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Gli anni di gioventù di Josemaría Escrivá (1902-1928), Carlo Pioppi
The article presents a concise biographical study of Josemaría Escrivá, which covers the years of his childhood, adolescence and youth, from his birth (January 9, 1902) to the founding of Opus Dei (October 2, 1928). The aim of the article is to present a scholarly text that brings together the partial studies or hagiographical work already published. A review of the Opus Dei archives related to this period of the Founder’s life has also been carried out.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.05]
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«¿Conviene que me relacione con los propagandistas de Herrera, y de qué modo?» Las relaciones entre Josemaría Escrivá y Ángel Herrera en los años treinta, Fernando Crovetto
The article explains the context of the relationship between Josemaría Escrivá and Ángel Herrera in the 1930s. It highlights the mutual appreciation that led Herrera to ask for Escrivá’s collaboration for “La Casa del Consiliario” (the centre that was created in Madrid for the formation of priests who would work for Catholic Action) and Escrivá to ask for his help for the Academia–Residencia DYA.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.06]
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El libro menos conocido de San Josemaría (La abadesa de Las Huelgas). Su repercusión científica, María Blanco
A detailed study of the academic impact of the book The Abbess of Las Huelgas. This is the only book written by St. Josemaria that is unrelated to his books on spirituality. The article examines the extraordinary civil and ecclesiastical powers that were exercised by the abbesses of this monastery in Burgos (12th-19th centuries). The article explains how a woman, the abbess of Las Huelgas, came to have this ecclesiastical jurisdiction (quasi episcopal vere nullius) as well as the grounds which gave legitimacy to her actions.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.07]
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El doctorado Honoris causa del cardenal Ratzinger por la Universidad de Navarra (enero 1998), Isabel Troconis
In January 1998, cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was named doctor honoris causa of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra. For this reason, he stayed for five days on the University campus. This article provides an overview of cardinal Ratzinger’s visit to the University of Navarra, as well as of the context and the process leading to his honorary doctorate in this Spanish university.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.08]
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Las Preces del Opus Dei: comentario histórico-teológico, Juan Rego
The Preces of Opus Dei are a particular form of prayer of the members of Opus Dei. The Preces were composed by Saint Josemaría in 1930 out of the litanic and antiphonal forms of the Roman rite. This article analyses the process of formation of the Preces up to their definitive version in 2002 and provides a commentary on each of the prayers.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.09]
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El sentido de la filiación divina. Reflexiones siguiendo la enseñanza de san Josemaría Escrivá, José Luis Illanes
The article presents a historical and chronological overview of how the expressions “divine filiation” and “sense of divine filiation” have made their appearance in the writings of Josemaría Escrivá. The article concludes by dedicating the closing paragraphs to the key elements of a theological analysis.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.10]
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Epistolario abad Aureli M. Escarré – san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer con algunas cartas relacionadas (1941-1966), Josep-Ignasi Saranyana – Enric Moliné
The article presents an annotated edition of the preserved correspondence between the abbot of the Monastery of Montserrat Dom Aureli M. Escarré (1908-1968) and Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. Other related and unpublished letters, which illustrate the context of this epistolary exchange are also presented. The correspondence covers the period from 1941 to 1966.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.11]
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Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Historia del Opus Dei
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Un repositorio digital del Opus Dei en Chile, María Luisa Harrison – Catalina Tressler – María Paz Valdés
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.16.2022.12]
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Recensioni, PDF | Epub | Kindle
Schede bibliografiche, PDF | Epub | Kindle
Bibliografía General de y sobre san Josemaría Escrivá (2014-2017), José Mario Fernández Montes – Santiago Martínez Sánchez
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