Studia et Documenta, vol. 1 – 2007
Publication: January 2007
Pages: 506
José Luis Illanes (p. 7-12)
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.01]
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Primeiras viagens de S. Josemaría a Portugal (1945), Hugo de Azevedo (p. 15-39).
Josemaría’s First Journeys to Portugal (1945): The author describes St. Josemaría’s first journey to Portugal, made following Sister Lucia of Jesus’ request, to make Opus Dei known to several Portuguese bishops. As a result of these meetings, and of the international state of affairs, St. Josemaría changes his plans for apostolic expansion and decides to begin apostolic work in Portugal. The author tells of three other such journeys to Portugal in 1945, and of the decision to open a centre of Opus Dei in Coimbra; he also relates the preparative work which went into the Portuguese translation of The Way.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.02]
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Los primeros pasos del Opus Dei en México (1948-1949), Víctor Cano (p. 41-64).
The Beginnings of Opus Dei in Mexico, 1948-1949: Historical study about the beginnings of Opus Dei in Mexico, from May 1948 to May 1949. Pedro Casciaro, having lived side by side with St Josemaría for almost 15 years, first travelled to Mexico in 1948. A few months later, in January 1949, apostolic work was established in that country. With the help of many friends and cooperators, he set up the first centre of Opus Dei in America, in Mexico City. Work began among university students, the first Mexican edition of “The Way” appeared, and new apostolic horizons opened up in other cities.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.03]
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The Early Days of Opus Dei in Boston. As Recalled by the First Generation (1946-1956), John Gueguen (p. 65-112).
This is a documentary account of the first trips members of Opus Dei made to Boston and Cambridge, Mass. (U.S.) and the subsequent development of the apostolate there, primarily among students and professors at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It covers the period between 1946 and 1956. The primary sources are personal recollections of those who met the Work there. These are supplemented by relevant material from Opus Dei’s internal publications and selected secondary works which provide the necessary cultural, intellectual, and religious context.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.04]
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Dos años en Ecuador (1952-1954): recuerdos en torno a unas cartas de san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Juan Larrea Holguín (p. 113-125).
Two Years in Ecuador (1952-1954): Memories about letters received from St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. Autobiographical account which opens with the author’s first dealings with Opus Dei, in Rome, in 1948. The main source used is the correspondence maintained from 1952 to 1954 between the author, who writes from Quito, where he was the only member of Opus Dei at the time, and St Josemaría. The article includes the author’s personal evaluations and other facts, such as information about the beginnings of Opus Dei in Ecuador and other countries in America.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.05]
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Koichi Yamamoto (1940-1983) and the Beginnings of Opus Dei in Japan, Antonio Mélich (p. 127-159)
Biographical sketch of Koichi Yamamoto, one of the first members of Opus Dei in Japan and the first to die, in 1983. His life coincides with the first stage of the beginnings and early development of Opus Dei in his country. Yamamoto helped promote the “Seido Foundation” in Osaka, primary and middle schools in Nagasaki, and residences and cultural centres in other cities.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.06]
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14 de febrero de 1930: la transmisión de un acontecimiento y un mensaje, Francisca R. Quiroga (p. 163-189).
14th February 1930: transmitting an event and a message: The article considers the way in which St. Josemaría Escrivá recalled and spoke to the faithful of Opus Dei about one of its foundational dates: 14th February 1930, when he understood that the message he had received on 2nd October 1928 was addressed not only to men but also to women. His transmission of 14th February 1930 contains some characteristics that remain the same and others that change over the years. The analysis is based on autobiographical testimonies, written and spoken, from St. Josemaría himself, in which he called to mind this date.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.07]
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Une connaissance d’amour. Note de théologie sur l’édition critico-historique de Chemin (I), Guillaume Derville (p. 191-220).
An Understanding of Love. Theological Reflection on the Critical-Historical Edition of The Way (I): Saint Josemaría Escrivá has not written “The Way” as a theological treatise. However, as Pedro Rodríguez shows in the critical edition of this work by the founder of Opus Dei, study of “The Way” permits the discovery of many theological contributions, thanks to an often compelling interpretation of the text. These contributions include, for exemple: the contemporaneity of the life of Christ and of the life of the baptised, relations between divine paternity and divine filiation, sanctification of work and apostolate. These contributions to the intelligence of the faith as it is lived are undoubtedly the fruit of reasoning, but they are above all fruit of the saint’s intuition and spiritual experience.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.08]
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La predicación de san Josemaría. Descripción de una fuente documental, José Antonio Loarte (p. 221-231).
The Preaching of Saint Josemaría. Description of a Documentary Source: The author explains the way in which the collection of transcripts of Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer’s oral preaching, at present conserved in the General Archive of the Prelature of Opus Dei, was formed. He also describes the collection’s importance and its current situation.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.09]
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La historia de unos orígenes: los Cuadernos del Centro de Documentación y Estudios Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Jaume Aurell – Onésimo Díaz (p. 233-244).
A History of Beginnings: The Cuadernos del Centro de Documentación y Estudios Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (Journal of the Center of Documentation and Studies on Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer): This article traces the history of the journal Cuadernos del Centro de Documentación y Estudios Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, which derived from Studia et Documenta, focusing on its objectives, the lauching of its first volume in 1997, and its development until its last issue in 2003. The study engages the contents of the volumes and offers critical insights into the central issues and concerns negotiated by the journal during the years it was published.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.10]
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La prima Messa del fondatore dell’Opus Dei in Italia. Relazione di una ricerca, José Orlandis (p. 245-256).
The First Mass of the Founder of Opus Dei in Italy. A Research Report: The author determines the church in Genoa where Saint Josemaría celebrated his first Mass in Italy in 1946.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.11]
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San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, “Palabras del Nuevo testamento, repetidas veces meditadas. Junio – 1933”, Francisco Varo (p. 259-286).
Saint Josemaría Escrivá, “Frequently Meditated Words from the New Testament. June – 1933”: Eight-page document, handwritten by Saint Josemaría and headed with the inscription: “Frequently meditated words from the New Testament. June – 1933”. Contains a list of 112 texts from the New Testament with occasional short explanatory notes added. This study presents the commented transcription of the handwritten document, preceded by an introduction which includes: a description of the manuscript, some notes about the historical context in which it was written, some suggestions as to how, possibly, it was redacted, and an initial reflection on its contents.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.12]
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Epistolario entre san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y el obispo de Ávila, Santos Moro Briz, durante la Guerra Civil española (enero de 1938-marzo de 1939), Constantino Anchel – Federico M. Requena (p. 287-325).
Correspondence between Saint Josemaría Escrivá and the Bishop of Avila, Santos Moro Briz, during the Spanish Civil War (January 1938- March 1939): This paper deals with the first part of the correspondence between Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Bishop Santos Moro Briz, along the period that stretches from January 27, 1938, and June 7, 1939. There are 22 letters written by Saint Josemaría and 14 by Bishop Santos Moro. The publication of these documents is preceded by a historical introduction which shows the beginning and development of a friendship, also a general reflection on the correspondence between the two correspondents and, finally, some critical remarks on the content and meaning of the letters crossed between both of them. The documents are transcribed at the end of the paper. A chronological order has been adopted and the letters have been commented in a series of notes, some of them of a certain extension, with the purpose of making easier the understanding of the content.
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.13]
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Actividades científicas y culturales en el marco del centenario de san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Francesc Castells e Alfredo Méndiz (p. 329-353).
Academic and cultural activities on the occasion of the centenary of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Francesc Castells and Alfredo Méndiz (pp. 329-353).
[Doi: 10.48275/setd.01.2007.14]
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Recensioni / Book Reviews (p. 357)
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Schede bibliografiche / Book Notes (p. 411)
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Elenchi bibliografici / Bibliographical Index: General bibliography of St. Josemaria Escriva (1934-2002) I: Works of St. Josemaria, Mario Fernandez Montes, Onesimo Diaz and Federico M. Requena (pp. 425-506).
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