The St. Josemaría Dictionary in ePub
Following the publication of the second edition of the St. Josemaría Dictionary by the St. Josemaría Historical Institute and the Monte Carmelo publishing house, the digital version in ePub format has been released for sale; the third paper edition will be available shortly.
Purchasing details and further information may be obtained by clicking here.
The dictionary seeks to provide a greater understanding of one of the key personalities of twentieth century Church History. St. Josemaría’s importance springs from his influence on the lives of people from the most varied conditions and countries, he is also considered to be one of the leading figures in the revival of contemporary Catholicism, especially in relation to the universal call to holiness and contemplative life for all the faithful in the midst of their work and daily tasks.
The Dictionary examines the figure and preaching of the Founder of Opus Dei both from a historical-biographical perspective as well as from a theological-spiritual perspective; the aim is to facilitate the understanding of his personality and his message. There is also an analysis of his written work together with his preaching and some of the apostolic initiatives that he promoted throughout the world.
The dictionary contains 288 entries in alphabetical order. These have been prepared with the cooperation of 226 authors from 32 countries, supervised by an editorial committee chaired by José Luis Illanes. Two comprehensive indexes have also been prepared: one analytical and the other systematic.
The dictionary serves as an instrument for getting to know St. Josemaría and deepen in the understanding of his spirit and his writings. The book contains essential information for both specialists and for people interested in learning more about the spiritual influence and contribution of Josemaría Escrivá.