Critical-historical edition prepared by José Luis Illanes and Alfredo Méndiz.
Madrid, Rialp, 2012.
ISBN: 978-84-321-4203-1
XL+576 pp.
170 x 250 mm.
The critical-historical edition of Conversations with Msgr. Josemaria Escrivá is the third volume of the complete works of Saint Josemaria. In the interviews (published in the media of different countries in the years leading up to 1967), the Founder of Opus Dei speaks about the spiritual features and activity of Opus Dei, expressing his views on various issues concerning the Church and cultural matters. The authors of the present critical-historical edition provide the reader with the intellectual and historical context necessary to understand these teachings fully.
José Luis Illanes is the Director of the St. Josemaría Escrivá Historical Institute Rome, and has a doctorate in Law and in Theology. He has been a professor in Navarre University, in the School of Theology of Northern Spain and in the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), and is a member of the Roman Theological Academy as well as other scientific associations. See CV here.
Alfredo Méndiz has a doctorate in History and is the Assistant Director of the St. Josemaría Escrivá Historical Institute. See CV here.