An International Conference on St. Josemaría and Theological Thought (Rome, 14-16 ofNovember, 2013)
The Pontifical University of the Holy Crossis organizing an International Conference in Rome to reflect on how Theologycan benefit from the spiritual doctrine of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei.
Twenty years ago, at a Theological Conference on the writings of the Founder of Opus Dei, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, with regard to St. Josemaría, advocated the need for the theologian to listen to the teaching of the Saints in order to grasp, in all its richness, the unique treasure of the mystery of Christ. From then on –and especially to mark the Centenary and Canonization of St. Josemaría in the year 2002– a number of Theological Conferences and Conferences have been organized. Nevertheless, the scope and novelty of the writings of the Founder of Opus Dei and their relationship with the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council –the 50th anniversary of the Council is being commemorated at present– make them worthy of a more comprehensive analysis by scholars.
The conference will address the stimulus which could be given to Theology, in general, by the teachings of the Saints. In particular the effect on some specific areas of Theology will be examined such as Moral, Spiritual and Biblical Theology, Christian Anthropology and Ecclesiology. Some presentations will also be given in relation to Philosophy and Canon Law. At the conclusion of each of the sessions there will be an opportunity for discussion. In total there will be eighteen conference speakers.
Information and registration:
To download the conference brochure, please click here.