Edición crítica y anotada, preparada por Luis Cano
Madrid, Rialp, 2020.
ISBN: 9788432152580
311 pp.
170 x 250 mm
The first volume of the “Letters” of St. Josemaría has been published. The book consists of four documents from a wide-ranging collection that the founder of Opus Dei referred to as “Letters”, in which he explained in detail his teachings on Christian life and described events from the history of Opus Dei. The book contains the critical and annotated version of four of these “Letters”, which date back to the 1930s but which were completed and finalized in the late 1960s.
Luis Cano has a degree in Law (University of Navarra) and a doctorate in Spiritual Theology (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome). He is Secretary of the St. Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer Historical Institute and professor of Church History at the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose all’Apollinare in Rome, where he has been living since 1989. His fields of research include the life of St Josemaría and the history of Opus Dei as well as the history of devotion to the Sacred Heart and Christ the King.