A basic bibliography serving as an introduction to St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer and Opus Dei, is given below. For a more comprehensive bibliography please click here to go to our Bibliography Advisory Service. The writings of St. Josemaria may be directly searched in www.escrivaworks.org.
A complete list of the published works of St. Josemaría may be found in Studia et Documenta, n. 1 [2007], p. 425-506 See now [PDF 393k].
The published works of St. Josemaría Escrivá (the latest edition in English is indicated and, between brackets, the first edition):
- Holy Rosary = Rozari Takatifu. Nairobi, Scepter, 2004, 183 p., 1st bilingual edition English/Swahili (2nd Nigerian ed.). (Santo Rosario, Madrid, Imprenta Juan Bravo, 3, 1934), More than 190 editions in 31 languages.
More than 170 editions in 25 languages have been published. - The Way, Nairobi, Scepter, 2017, 3rd edition, 372 p. (Camino, Valencia, Gráficas Turia, 1939). More than 420 editions in 44 languages have been published.
- La Abadesa de las Huelgas. (Madrid, Rialp, 1944). 3 editions in 1944, 1974 and 1988.
- Conversations with Monsignor Escrivá. New York, Scepter, 2007, 3rd edition, 201 p. (Conversaciones con Mons. Escrivá de Balaguer, Madrid, Rialp, 1968). More than 56 editions in 10 languages have been published.
- Christ is Passing By. New York, Scepter, 2002, 295 p., 2nd North American Edition. (Es Cristo que pasa, Madrid, Rialp, 1973). More than 105 editions in 14 languages have been published.
- Friends of God: Homilies. Lagos, Criterion Publishers Limited, 2003, XXXI, 354 p., 2nd Nigerian Edition. (Amigos de Dios, Madrid, Rialp, 1977). More than 100 editions in 13 languages have been published.
- The Way of the Cross (The Stations of the Cross). Lagos, Criterion Publishers Limited, 2005, VIII, 87 p., 1st Nigerian Edition. (Vía Crucis, Madrid, Rialp, 1981). More than 120 editions in 19 languages have been published.
- Furrow. Lagos, Criterion Publishers Limited, 2004, XIII, 289 p., 1st Nigerian Edition. (Surco, Madrid, Rialp, 1986). More than 100 editions in 19 languages have been published.
- The Forge. Lagos, Criterion Publishers Limited, 2004, XX, 295 p., 1st Nigerian Edition. (Forja, Madrid, Rialp, 1987). More than 70 editions in 14 languages have been published.
- Other writings of St. Josemaría are collected in several books such as, In Love with the Church, Madrid, Palabra, 1986, 128 p. (also contains a homily by Alvaro del Portillo); Pedro Rodriguez, Pio G. Alves de Sousa, Jose Manuel Zumaquero (editors.), Mons. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer and Opus Dei: on the 50th anniversary of its foundation, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1985, 2nd ed., 612 p. (1st edition 1982); Various authors, Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer and the university, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1993, 280 p.