New “Studia et Documenta” articles available free of charge in PDF, ePub and Kindle format
The articles of the latest issue of “Studia et Documenta”, n. 8 (2014) are available for download, cost-free in electronic format.
In addition to the PDF format which has the same layout as the hard copy version, the ePub and Kindle formats are also available. This allows for convenient reading on various electronic devices (IPad, IPhone, Kindle, other E-ink readers or Android-powered tablets, etc.).
In order to use the ePub format it may be necessary to install free reader software although most devices read it directly. The .mobi format can only be read by the various models of Kindle (Amazon).
A listing of all the articles available, free of charge, in PDF format sorted by subject matter may also be accessed on-line. Click here for access.